Our Story

Fruit of the Great awakening . . .

On December 26, 1739, George Whitefield wrote in his journal in reference to the
Province of North Carolina,
" Oh, God, that thou would send forth a John the Baptist to preach and baptize in this wilderness." 
Six years later, in 1745, a man by the name of Shubal Stearns was saved under the preaching of George Whitefield. God would send Stearns and 15 others to plant Sandy Creek Baptist Church in November, 1755, and today the church still stands as an active, healthy church, which is a testament to the faithfulness of God and His mercies that are new every day!
Rich in history, but excited about the present and on mission to be found faithful in this 'wilderness' where God planted a body of believers over 265 years ago. Blessed with a healthy balance of all ages and growing, Sandy Creek is a great place to call home.

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Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11:00 am